You know how there a million podcasts created by business ‘experts’ and mostly they have all these amazing suggestions that don’t really translate in the reality of a new business? Well, we’ve started something different.
Our podcast, More Than Business, brings you on the journey with us. Starting a new business isn’t easy, can be lonely, is absolutely terrifying, but is totally worth it. We are sharing with you our triumphs – the wins, the marketing that works, that web app that actually did what it said it would. And the fails. Like, you know, needing to completely rebrand.
This is the podcast for new business owners who want an honest, open and funny account of what to expect, as it happens to us.
Our first episode, of course, is about the impacts of Covid-19 and how we needed to change our entire marketing plan, which was originally based on being in shopping centers and holding events. Yep, like we said. ENTIRE new marketing plan.
We’ll be discussing branding, product delivery, connection, community. Accounting, SEO, training, coaches and how to stay vibrant and engage during the hard times.
This podcast is aimed at new business owners, but we can’t help ourselves, there will be strata tips and tricks and many, possibly poorly times jokes.
We’d love for our friends, clients and any person in business to join is weekly. You can listen to the teaser here . We’re on spotify, sticher and apple podcasts. We’ll be hosting super special guests and getting into the hard and the unexpected of new business.
We’re excited.