Enhance the Value of your Investment
Poor service isn’t just frustrating, it puts the value of your property at risk.
The little issues that your Strata Manager hasn’t dealt with, like that light that isn’t working, the scratched paintwork or the over-grown garden, aren’t just obvious to you, it gets noticed by others. Like prospective buyers and tenants. They’re left wondering what else might be wrong with the property?
Buyers/Tenants pay a premium for well-maintained properties, including common property. Chances are any prospective purchasers or tenants need to walk through common property before they can access the unit/townhouse/lot property. Such premium benefits every owner as it resets the value of all properties in the block.
Strata Managers that are failing to resolve these small issues aren’t just causing you frustration and annoyance, they are costing you real money. If this sounds familiar to you, we can help.